Plain Text Editor

When you are ready to email it using Gmail

2. Open your Gmail account.

3. Click on 'Compose' in the upper left-hand corner.

3. Click on the three little buttons at the lower right-hand of your compoasing window. This is the box over which the hovering cursor reads 'More options.'

4. Select 'Plain text mode.'

(You can, if you wish, choose the option 'Default to fullscreen.' I find this useful. But it's up to you.)

5. NOW copy and paste your essay into the message area of your email usingthe Control-V' (Copy) command.

The result will be an email in Plain Text.

B. Using a Text Editor


How To Install Editpad Lite

You can download the zip file for Editpad Lite here:

You will need Winzip to unzip it. You probably have it onyour computer (Windows) already. If not, as an MSU student you can get a copy here:

Click on the 'Software' link at the Left.

You will need your NetID and password (the same as for email). Then, click on 'I agree to the above terms andconditions'.

On the 'Software' page, download the latest version of Winzip(version 8.1 as of 11.21.10). Install it.

Once you have Winsip installed, you will be able to install Editpad Liteby double-clicking on the .zip (dot-zip) file you have downloaded from the Editpad Litesite.

How To Use Your Text Editor

1. Format your finished text in your word processor to single-spacebetween lines, blank line between paragraphs.

2. Copy and paste your finished text into your texteditor -- Notepad, Editpad Lite, etc. Save it.

3. Now, copy and paste the text from your text editor into the messagearea of your email client.

The result will be 'plain text' .-->

MIME is an industry email standard. Many email applications create messages in MIME format and save them in files with the .EML extension.
Even though Outlook does not save messages in MIME format, there are two ways you can get an Outlook message body in MIME format:
In either case, your app must have the appropriate permissions to access the Outlook item or group post in order to apply the get-message or get-attachment operation.

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You can then save the message body content in a .EML file and attach the file to records in business systems, such as those for CRM, ERP, and bug tracking.

What is MIME?

MIME is a standard used by internet email to transmit the following types of content via SMTP:
The following are typical MIME headers in a message. For more information, see RFC 2045.

Get MIME content of an Outlook message

You can get the MIME representation of a message by appending the $value segment whengetting the message:


The following is an example that requests a message in the signed-in user's mailbox to be returned with its MIME content.
The following is the response. The MIME content begins with the MIME-Version header.

Get MIME content of an Outlook message attached to an Outlook item or group post

You can also get the MIME representation of an Outlook message, if the message has been attached to an Outlook event, message, task, or group post that your app can access.
To do that, identify the message attachment, and append the $value segment whengetting that attachment. The following shows a few common ways to access an attachment. See get attachment for more information.
If the message is attached to an event in the user's default calendar:
If the message is attached to another message in the user's mailbox:
If the message is attached to an Outlook task in the user's default task folder:
If the message is attached to the specified group post:


The following is an example that gets a message that has been attached to another message, and returns the body in MIME format.
The following is the response. The MIME content begins with the MIME-Version header.

Next steps

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